Nowdays internet grows with social networking and communities, but there are two that are the best HubPages and Squidoo. these two communities can get indexed almost immediately and ranking well with the search engines. I will try to give you some differents between them bellow.
HubPages is an internet community where users can publish content, gain information about a specific topic or both, your contents are known as hubs. HubPages displays advertising on your hub, this allows it to generate the money and then gets you your commission. also HubPages allows you to add you adsense, amazon, and Ebay ID to you hubs to earn income from anyone who clicks or purchases from your links. You can also add keywords to your hubs to make it easier for the search engines to locate you.
Squidoo is a tool that you can use to promote yourself, your products, your affiliate products or just have fun with letting people know about how cute your cat is. Just like Hub Pages, you can build unlimited lens on any topic while earning additional income from adsense, amazon, and Ebay. Squidoo is very Google friendly and allows you to add up to 40 keywords to your lens to enhance you search engine traffic. As you can see, these two powerhouse, high pr social communities share several similar characteristics
The differences begin with the earnings from your income modules. Squidoo has shared earning policy which divides the total earnings between the whole Squidoo community depending on the ranking of your lens. The higher your lens rank, the bigger portion of the earnings you receive. Hub Pages on the other hand allows you to keep 100% of your earnings from adsense, amazon, and Ebay.
Another difference are the rules and regulations. Hub pages is very strict on self promotion or over promotion of afffiliate products. They will ban you quickly if your intentions are to only provide content for the sole purpose of spamming. Squidoo also discourages spammers, but they are more inviting to internet marketers who are intereseted in creating lens to promote their affiliate products or programs. I guess you can say that Squidoo gives you a wider freedom of speech. Hub Pages also does not allow adult content, whereas Squidoo does.
Finally, we can make money from HubPages and Squidoo by publishing contents, and nothing prevents you from using both. The decision between one over the other would be the equivalent of leaving money on the table.
Monday, May 4, 2009